Here is the link to this convincing personal account of a successful group therapy treatment.
“… I’d started to focus less on my wife’s sins and errors and to take a harder look at my own. The person I saw in the mirror wasn’t as likable as I’d once believed. Was this the beginning of true erudition? I’d set out asking who I was, and I was getting some insight finally. It was awful but I wanted to know, and so I kept on going every Wednesday.”
Group therapy is inevitably uncomfortable, as this article points it out as well. And while that is true, just like this author, many people come to learn that group therapy gets to the core of who we are and it has the capacity to bring about lasting change. There is a special intimacy that grows among group members who are going through this process together. It is good to be aware of the different feel of individual and group therapy. There is definitely a difference between the way they feel like a trusted environment. While both are trustworthy the comfort level is different. And the benefits are different as well. One does not replace the other.